YOGA: what is yoga | What yoga does to your body and brain? | yoga poses for beginners at home | music for yoga

Today we will talk about yoga.  In the modern world why we are talking about yoga, what does it mean in our life? how international yoga day comes in the face of a world.

what do you learn today?

1. what is yoga

2. Is Yoga Really That Good For You?

3. what yoga does to your body and brain?

4. Yoga day

5.  14 basic yoga poses for beginners at home in Hindi / English

6. Top music for yoga

what is yoga

The word ‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit word and it comes from the word Yuja which basically means ‘to bind and to align to hold’ which basically means ‘to bind and to align to hold

Yoga is a type of exercise in which you move your body into various positions to become more fit or flexible, to improve your breathing, and to relax your mind.


Yoga is an ancient practice originated from India This practice is 5000-year.

Is Yoga Really That Good For You?

 Yoga is actually pretty good for you. Let's look at what the science says. Chronic pain can reduce or change grey matter in the brain which can lead to some serious problems like memory and emotional issues. But according to an official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), practicing yoga has the opposite effect on the brain.

 According to an official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), practicing yoga has the opposite effect on the brain. So what does the brain look like on Yoga? Well, study after study reportedly heralds the benefits of Yoga. Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine found that the postures from Yoga actually increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA in the brain. GABA, a neurotransmitter, calms the nervous system and regulates muscle tone. In one study the researchers found that after just one hour of Yoga, practitioners' GABA levels increased by 27%. This increase in GABA levels could be responsible for decreasing anxiety and improving mood in those who practice yoga.

What yoga does to your body and brain

Such as improving strength and flexibility, boosting heart and lung function, and enhancing psychological well-being. yoga relaxes the muscles constricting those passageways and improve oxygen diffusion. Increasing the blood’s oxygen content is especially helpful for those with weak heart muscles who have difficulty pumping enough oxygen throughout the body. And for those with healthy hearts, this practice can lower blood pressure and reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

old Yoga is good for your body and soul Yoga is good for your body and soul yoga reforms your thoughts to pursue a great lifestyle yoga reforms your thoughts to pursue a great lifestyle

Yoga day

International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June each year International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June each year this day was a creation by  PM Narendra Modi in 2015.

PM Narendra Modi proposed the idea of International Yoga Day during his speech at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Prime Minister Modi, who proposed the idea of International Yoga Day during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). 

  14 Basic YOGA POSES FOR BEGINNERS At Home  in Hindi                                                     



 Sit with your legs stretched out, bend the

right knee, and place it on the left thigh. Repeat

the same step with the other leg. Make sure

that the soles of the feet point upward and

the heels are close to the abdomen. Place

your hands on your knees, close your eyes

and relax.

Come on to the floor on your hands and knees.

Inhale while raising the head and depressing

the spine so that the back becomes concave.

Exhale while lowering the head stretching

the spine upwards and pulling the buttocks.

The hands should be in line with the knees,

the arms and thighs should be perpendicular

to the floor. The knees may be slightly separated

so that they are well aligned under the hips.

Repeat it 5 to 10 rounds.

Stand straight, fold your left leg and place

the sole of your along with your inner thigh. Inhale

and raise your arms up, bring your palms together.

Hold the position for 10 seconds

and exhaling lower your arms and your leg

back to the start position.

Now repeat the same with the other side.

Sit in Vajrayana. Stand on your knees with

your hands close to your thighs. Stretch your

arms up lean backward and slowly reaching

the heels with your hands. push the hips forward

and bend the spine as far as possible. Remain

in this final position for as long as its comfortable.

return to the starting position

by slowly releasing the hands from the hips one at a time.

It's important that this asana

is followed by a forward bending asana like Shashankasana.

Sit with the legs outstretched slowly bend

forward and try to grasp your big toe with

your fingers. Try to touch your knees with

the forehead. Hold the position for as long

as it's comfortable. You can ask your instructor

to help you with this asana.

Sit with the legs stretched out. Bend the

left leg. Place your foot close to your hip. Bend

the right leg and bring the foot behind the

left knee. Inhaling place your left arm over

the right knee rotates your torso placing your

hand next to the left thigh. Look over to

your right shoulder. Hold the posture for

a few seconds. Reverse the movement to come

out of the posture and repeat on the other


Lie on your stomach palms to the side of your

shoulder. Slowly raise your head and straighten

the elbows. The arms may or may not be straight.

Hold the position for few seconds.

Slowly release the upper back by bringing the arms, lower the navel, chest, shoulders and finally the

forehead to the floor.

Lie flat on your stomach, bend your leg upwards

and hold both the ankles with your hands.

Inhale while raising your thighs and chest

simultaneously arching your spine as much

as possible. Hold the position for as long

as it's comfortable.

Exhaling returns to the original position.

Support yourself on your elbows and raise

your legs up to 45 degrees. Stretch your arms

out towards your knees. Hold the position

for a few seconds and lower your legs, hands

and head.

Lie on your back with feet together. Using

your arms for support inhale and raise both

legs slowly roll the buttocks and spine on

the floor raising the trunk to a vertical

position The elbows should be about shoulders

width apart. gently push the chest forward

so that it presses firmly against the chin.

Release your hands and place your arms on

the floor beside the body with the palms down.

Slowly lower the torso, the buttocks, and

the legs. Relax in Shavasana.

Lie on your back with feet together. place

your arms beside your body with your palms facing down.

Using your arms for support inhale

and raise both legs keeping them straight

and together. Slip your legs in an arch over

your head till your toes touches the floor.

Relax and hold the final pose for as long

as it's comfortable.

Exhaling lower your legs and go back to the starting position.

Lie on your back with feet together and hands

underneath your hips. Inhaling arch your chest up and rest your crown on the ground.

Hold the posture for around 10 seconds

Lie on your back with your legs straight.

Fold your legs and bring your knees to close

to your chest. Wrap your arms around your

legs and draw them as close as possible. Bend

your neck and try to touch your knees to your

forehead. Maintain the posture for a few seconds.

Bring down your head and neck on the floor and release arms from the knees. Straighten your legs and

return to the starting position.

Lie on your back with arms away from the body

palms facing upwards. Feet should be slightly

apart. The Head and spine should be in a straight

line. Relax the whole body and be aware of

the breath.

top 3 Music for yoga

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